Advantages cross-wedge and helical rolling technology

Technology cross wedge rolling & helical rolling forging process. A separate area that requires careful engineering knowledge and experience. Own production with test areas, own engineering and design department, cooperation with more than 200 supplier companies. We implement equipment from idea to industrial operation. The modernization of the production is repaid within a year. This is a better type of cross-wedge rolling line than forging rolls. Due to the use of a flat forming tool and a more rigid frame design, the positioning of the rolled workpiece does not require calibration, and the dimensional accuracy in diameter is maintained within 0.1 mm and 0.01 mm for special designs (no elasticity and bending after after rolling).

With the ever-increasing price of raw materials, cross-wedge rolling is a logical solution to this problem. There is a wide range of products that cross wedge rolling can produce with productivity and cost savings that cannot be achieved with traditional production methods.




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Cross wedge rolling

Overall saving of material

Loaded blank , kg



Formed blank (preform), kg



Waste, kg



Waste, %




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Old forging method / new method with the introduction of cross-wedge rolling / comparison of the ratio of waste and billet sizes of the old forging method and through the introduction of a cross-wedge rolling line

Integration cross wedge rolling & helical rolling technology in your forging process allows: 
  • metal saving
  • reducing the working area
  • full automation of the production
  • reucing the costs
  • waste-free production of parts in one stroke.
  • acceleration of the production cycle by 2-3 times
  • hardening the structure of the part without ellipsodyness
  • full automation of the process from cutting the workpiece, heating, rolling and feeding the part to the forging press
  • flat wedge die toolset allows you to get profiled blanks with dimensional accuracy of 6-12 qualities

Efficient cooling or heating system for rolling tools

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With cross-wedge rolling, a new flexible macrostructure is formed:

  • fine-grained structure with a favorable arrangement of continuous fibers throughout the preform;
  • hardening of fibers closer to the surface with smooth bending of protrusions and depressions;
  • rational redistribution of metal volume over the workpiece;
The macrostructure obtained as a result of cross-wedge rolling makes it possible to improve the operational characteristics of products during subsequent blast-free stamping with a metal utilization factor of up to 0.9 - 0.94 while reducing labor intensity and cost.

Cross-wedge and cross-helical rolling lines manufactured by AMTengineering are a modern alternative to forging rollers and cross-wedge rolling mills with round tools

Cross-wedge rolling lines with flat tool with one or two movable tools (WRL or WRL TS series):

Rolling workpieces: Ø 10 - 120 mm

                                L 120 - 800 mm


The advantages of cross-wedge rolling lines:

  • high productivity: up to 1200 parts/hour (up to 1300 pcs/hour in ball rolling mills);
  • high precision of parts allows using in waste-free and flashless stamping;
  • increase in the period of overhaul intervals of dies;
  • strengthening of the structure of the part and the absence of ellipticity;
  • rolling of asymmetrical parts;
  • rolling of double and triple parts in one working cycle;
  • production and maintenance of the tool does not require expensive equipment;
  • production of a part in one working cycle. 

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Cross-helical rolling and helical rolling lines with two or three-roll forming stands (HRL series):

Rolling billets: Ø 10 - 300 mm

                       L 120 - 10,000 mm

HRL line process.jpg
Advantages of helical rolling lines:
  • a universal cheap-to-manufacture tool (parts of different shapes and sizes are made on one tool);
  • high productivity: up to 300 parts/hour (up to 8400 pcs / hour in ball rolling mills);
  • the shape of the parts obtained is easily controlled directly from the control panel of the mill;
  • rolling of asymmetrical parts;
  • production and maintenance of the tool does not require expensive equipment;

More than 50 lines of the WRL series work in various industrial companies:

  • MTZ, Belaruskali – Belarus;
  • Hydrosila, Chernihivavtodetal, VZTA – Ukraine;
  • Energy Alliance - Kazakhstan;
  • DANAHER TOOL GROUP, Metaldyne - USA;
  • American Axel & Manufacturing - Mexico and others.

Different types matirails:
  • steel
  • brass
  • aluminium
  • copper
  • zirconium
  • titanium
Proven efficiency in production:
  • automotive suspension parts
  • cutting bits and bit holders for mining and road construction
  • cylindrical parts and electrical motor shafts
  • gearbox and transmission components
  • high precision preforms for no-flash and low-flash forging
  • pole line Insulator pins Toughened Glass Insulators, porcelain suspension insulators, Tie Top, Pin-Type and other
  • SPECIAL SCREWS for railroad and mining operations.
Different temperature rolling method:
  • cold (without induction heating)
  • warm (t=500 - 700°C)
  • hot (t=1000 - 1250°C and more)
Production, supply, launch, tool design, technical support and service worldwide: Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, USA, MEXICO, South Korea. Each your detail, each your task is an individual forging and rolling solution

To prepare a preliminary your commercial offer and technical specification necessary:
  • drawing of a part with an indication of the material;
  • planned production volumes.
Examples of completed projects:
Cross-wedge rolling lines are best suited for forging and pressing industries aimed at reducing metal waste, improving the technological process in conditions of mass production of parts. According to the experience of our customers, the cross-wedge rolling lines with flat tools of the WRL and WRL TS series allow solving the tasks set for the equipment and closing questions for a long time. Rolling mills produced by our company AMTengineering, supplied to customers, in the mode of 2-3 shift operation due to the incorporated technical solutions have been operated for decades for Mexica, USA  and countries in Eastern Europe.
Download catalog - Advantages cross-wedge and helical rolling technology